Leil Selichot 5785 with Northern Exposure! In-person & Livestreaming at 7:30 pm Saturday, September 28, 2024. A properly worn mask will be required to attend this service in person. Please join us as Rabbi Benjamin screens an episode of the television show "Northern Exposure." Rabbi Benjamin will lead a discussion of this unique piece of television history. We will also celebrate the arrival of the High Holidays with a short service and changing of the Torah Mantles. A dessert oneg to follow. Learn more here.

We Welcome Everyone!

As always, Temple Sinai welcomes all members and guests to our High Holy Day services and events. This year there are no tickets, “seats,” or nametags to reserve and our services and events are completely FREE, although we do gratefully accept freewill donations.

*Please note: by the decision of the Board of Trustees, we will set aside the first few rows during the High Holidays for mask-only seating. Masks are encouraged everywhere else but not required. Expand the “Masking Policy” section below for complete details. 

Join us for in-person services at Temple Sinai. The Tashlich service will be held in person at Wingfield Park, and the Kever Avot service will be held in person at the Hebrew Cemetery as indicated below. If the service is indoors, please please follow our masking policy as stated below. In addition, all of our indoor services at Temple Sinai will be livestreamed online. To watch our livestreamed services visit our website, Facebook page, and YouTube channel.

To make a donation for the High Holy Days, to submit memorial names for our Yizkor service, and for more information about the High Holy Days this year at Temple Sinai, just expand the collapsible sections below.

Temple Sinai, Reno's Reform Congregation