Elevate Your Shabbat
Elevate Your Shabbat: Transforming Your Friday Night Meal Sometimes people apologize to me for not attending Shabbat services more regularly, as if I’m taking attendance. I know every family has their own Friday night ritual, and rather than apologies, I want to hear about your Shabbat meal instead! Sharing a meal brings people together like […]
Invitation to Mourn
Dear Friends, Whenever I had a challenge or crisis in my life, I turned to my dad. So now as I mourn his death, I am at a particular loss. Among the many things he inspired in me was a love of Judaism and an appreciation for its wisdom. Lately, I find myself encountering our […]
In Every Generation
Dear Friends, As we prepare for Pesach, we are incredibly excited. Not only for our congregational seder, where we will gather and celebrate together. Not only for all of the traditions and foods that make Passover unique. We are excited because this year we will be using our new congregational Haggadah for the first time. […]
A Year of Renewal at Temple Sinai
I’m not gonna bury the lead: We are launching 5784 as a Year of Renewal at Temple Sinai. This will be a deliberate campaign to invite old and new friends back to Temple Sinai and to ask our members to invite Temple Sinai back into their lives. As one of our first steps in this […]
The Start of Something
Dear Friends, “I don’t make New Year’s resolutions,” said the DJ on the radio. He went on to explain that making promises on an arbitrary date was silly and that one could make a resolution at any time. I would have loved to ask him, “so do you make resolutions at another time? Do you […]
Three Aliyot: Embracing Our Diverse Journey
Hello my Temple Sinai family! I am honored and excited to share my first president’s message with you. A huge ‘Thank You’ to all of the past presidents and board members who have inspired and supported me in this journey. I look forward to doing the same for Temple Sinai‘s emerging leaders. To prepare for […]