Dear Friends,

“I don’t make New Year’s resolutions,” said the DJ on the radio. He went on to explain that making promises on an arbitrary date was silly and that one could make a resolution at any time. I would have loved to ask him, “so do you make resolutions at another time? Do you work to improve yourself?”

We may never know. I hope the answer is “yes” and that he and his family enjoy a life full of self-improvement. For the rest of us though, we have other opportunities to improve ourselves, including one coming up in a matter of weeks. Rosh Hashanah will be here before we know it (September 15). As we draw closer to the New Year, it is important to think not just about resolutions, but about renewal as well.

Rosh Hashanah is an opportunity for both. Certainly, coming to services throughout the High Holy Days and taking time for introspection and reflection will help us all evaluate our lives, our shortcomings, and our means of improvement. But there is also an opportunity for something else. One of the traditions behind Rosh Hashanah is that it is the birthday of the world – that on that day, centuries ago, the world was born.

A birthday is as good a day as any to start something new: a new year, a new attitude, a new project. Perhaps all three of those can be part of our practice this new year. We have been increasing the activities around the synagogue and hope that you will join us. Weekly weeding sessions are ongoing to keep our property looking good. Many new faces have been stopping by services or to have lunch with the Rabbis. And there are programs and activities for everyone.

We have committees and boards, and your participation is essential to making them run. We have events planned, learning to do, and much more that we hope you will join us for. This is your community and we want it to serve your needs. Come to us with your ideas and your enthusiasm. Check-in on some of the things we already have going and help us fill our calendar and our lives with Jewish and Jew-ish activities.

There is more to come, so stay tuned!

Rabbi Benjamin