For me, the question is rhetorical, since Sinai’s Bylaws give me one job, and that is to run the Annual Congregational Meeting. But for all of you, the answer is also YES. To be a Mensch, all you need to do is come. Here is why:

We need you. You might think that since your friend Leah, and your committee chair Yaakov always go to the meeting, you don’t need to. But I assure you, this year Leah is on a long-planned trip, and Yaakov is tending to a sick relative. So we need you. It’s like a community Minyan– and it’s never easy to get a Minyan.

It’s always great to come together as sisters and brothers. We need all segments of our community to come out. Some of us are at Sinai every Friday for services. Others are here every Sunday for Religious School. The Congregational Meeting is just about the only time we all get together. Otherwise, we might never see each other! You might even meet a new friend.

We need to listen to each other. Everyone has a point of view. Everyone is served by Sinai- sometimes well, sometimes not. At the Congregational Meeting, we hear about successes, and we hear about problems that many of us did not know about. Everyone in our community can benefit from this wider perspective.

We want to hear from you. If something has been bothering you, or you want to celebrate what our community has done, the Congregational Meeting is your chance! Make sure you send at least one family member to the meeting. If you don’t want to stand up yourself, ask a friend to say it for you. We need to hear from you.

Sinai is your congregation. Your synagogue is what you make it. We’ll all help!

I am looking forward to seeing you there. Don’t miss it: THIS Sunday at 3:00 pm in the Sanctuary.
