“It is not good for a person to be alone.”
~Genesis 2:18
The Temple Sinai Caring Committee exists to support congregants and other Jews in the community both in their times of greatest need and their times of greatest joy. To fulfill our mission and create a caring community, the following are our current activities.
Mi Sheberach (Healing List)
Mi Shebeirach prayers are said each Shabbat for congregants, their families, and friends who are in need of healing of the body, mind, or spirit. Click the button to add names to our Mi Shebeirach list.
Or, contact our rabbis or the Temple office.
In times of bereavement, we can assist in arranging a condolence meal at the synagogue and shiva observance at home. Please contact our rabbis or the Temple Office.
Community Support

Sinai Breast Cancer Support Line
Contact Julia Rubin, Sinai member, a nurse, and herself a survivor of breast cancer. (775)846-2122 or jsrubin84@gmail.com. Confidentiality honored.

Movie DVDs & Music CDs for the Troops
George Small Post 30 (Reno) of the Jewish War Veterans of the USA… is collecting used DVDs and music CDs to send to our troops, including three of our newest Jewish War Veteran members, currently stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan. Please bring in any DVDs or CDs that you wish to donate and place them in the box below the lobby table. Post 30 will take care of the delivery and if we get any letters of thanks back, we will share them with you. Contact Gail Yoella Small for more information at 100gail1908@gmail.com.

Washoe CASA Foundation
The Washoe CASA Program is seeking volunteers to serve as court advocates for abused and neglected children transitioning through the foster care system. For more information, please contact CASA Foundation board member (and Temple Sinai Member) Jill Greiner, at 786-0830, and visit the website at: washoecasafoundation.com.

Office of Suicide Prevention
- Click HERE for resources from the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.
- And HERE for additional help from the Nevada Department of Health and Human Resources.

Jewish Social Action Links
Fair Trade Judaica – Purchase Judaica items that promote the Jewish values of tzedakah, tikkun olam, community, and integrity.