“What we need more than anything else is not textbooks but textpeople.”
~Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel
Welcome to our Adult Education page, your portal for opportunities for lifelong Jewish learning at Temple Sinai. Whether you are brand-new to Judaism or a long-time pillar of the Temple Sinai community, we hope you will find a program, a class, or ongoing Torah-learning forum to help you become a “text person,” to deepen your understanding of the Jewish past, bring meaning to your present and clarify your future. See below for descriptions of our weekly Talmud study group, our current series (class offerings) and Hebrew-learning opportunities (whether modern or prayer-based).

Torah Study
10:00 am Saturdays via Zoom
To join our weekly Torah Study via Zoom, choose the option that works best for you below. The meeting ID is 865 2046 4592 for each option. A password is required to join the study session. Please contact the Temple office to receive the password between 9 am and 3 pm, Monday through Friday, at 775-747-5508 or email admin@sinaireno.org during the week.
- From a Computer:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86520464592?pwd=WndnMVFnWVZWUkc3SnV3cFU5cHgvZz09 - Join by Phone:
+1 669 900 9128 US - From the Zoom App:
Download the Zoom Cloud Meeting App to your smart device.