Three Aliyot: Embracing Our Diverse Journey
Hello my Temple Sinai family! I am honored and excited to share my first president’s message with you. A huge ‘Thank You’ to all of the past presidents and board members who have inspired and supported me in this journey. I look forward to doing the same for Temple Sinai‘s emerging leaders. To prepare for […]
Sprucing Up Sinai
Dear Friends, Following on the heels of a successful but exhausting Mitzvah Day, we have introduced Sprucing up Sinai. Every Sunday from 9-noon, we turn our attention to the building’s physical needs, right now with a focus of weeding. I was hoping to open my message with some sage Jewish wisdom about weeding. To my […]
Time Flies!
Four years, yes four years! Where did it go? It flew by so quickly that it is hard to pin down everything that has transpired over this time. Of Course, it has been a bumpy ride with the public health emergency taking over all our lives and making today, and the future, look very different […]
Nicer Weather – Bigger Projects
I hope everyone is doing well. I am excited that we can come together more and more. Of course, it will be nice to see more consistent “nicer” weather to enjoy the great outdoors, allowing us to not have to postpone fun programming due to this winter’s extraordinary snowfall. Over the next few months, and […]
Dear Friends, Happy New (Secular) Year! We are thrilled to announce that we are bringing Temple Sinai into the 21st Century with gusto this spring. We are building on the success of a few of our fall initiatives, namely: Our Temple Sinai Members App – Install it on your phone, tablet, or computer desktop and […]
The Great Latke Debate
Dear Friends, As Chanukah approaches, so do the many great debates of the season. I am not referring to the one between Rabbis Hillel and Shammai over how we light the chanukiah (we settled that one – Hillel won and we light one the first night and increase each night as opposed to counting down). […]