Dear Sinai Community,

As 2016 kicks off, we have a lot of great Temple Sinai events and Jewish holidays to look forward to.

In our Torah, we are moving from the end of the Book of Genesis into the Book of Exodus this Shabbat. As we transition in our Torah from the story of Jacob’s and Joseph’s death to the rise of a pharaoh “that does not know Joseph” this Shabbat, and the ensuing slavery of our people, may we also glimpse the redemption to come. May we, in our own time, continue to nurture hope in our hearts that the values that guide us, values of truth, justice, and peace will continue to guide and redeem our country and our world. May we continue to be beacons of Jewish values in the second half of 5776.

Wishing you and yours a good and healthy secular new year,

Rabbi Bair

For these special events in addition to regular programming, like Family Shabbat, Shabbat Morning Service, Shabbat Morning Torah Study and Men’s Club Breakfast coming up this weekend!

Please save the date for the Martin Luther King, Jr. Shabbat Service and Dinner at Temple Sinai in partnership with Bethel AME Church in Sparks and the NAACP. On Friday, Jan. 15th, we will be welcoming members of the Bethel AME Church for Shabbat services, dinner, fellowship and conversation on Civil Rights today. Please RSVP to This is not a pot-luck!

The Jewish Practices Committee has re-grouped and is planning a Tu B’Shevat Shabbat Pot-Luck Dinner and Seder on Friday, Jan. 22nd (6:00 p.m. dinner, 7:30 seder and service) as well.

Finally, we have an excellent Scholar-in-Residence weekend coming up Feb. 19th – 21st. Rabbi Menachem Creditor is coming and will teach on an array of topics dear to his heart. He will be teaching at a communal dinner Friday, February 19th, helping to lead services and Torah study on Shabbat morning at 9:30 a.m., and teaching over Shabbat lunch at the Temple at 12:30 p.m. Saturday, February 20th. He will also lead a havdallah song session open to the whole community at my and Nadya’s home (45 Winter St.) at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, February 20th.