Greetings Temple Sinai Family!
Recently, I re-read the words of Rabbi Elazar ben Azariah. “If there is no sustenance, there can be no Torah. But, if there is no Torah, there can be no sustenance.” At Temple Sinai, we are in a new fiscal year and approaching our High Holy Days, which means we are indeed focused on both sustenance and Torah.
Let’s step back for a moment and revisit our Vision and Mission:
Vision- Temple Sinai is an inclusive Jewish community that encourages members to fulfill their unique purpose in the world.
Mission- Temple Sinai is a community that learns, cares for one another, and promotes Jewish practice, culture and tikkun olam (healing the world).
Turning these aspirational statements into dynamic realities for Temple Sinai requires reaching outward and welcoming non-affiliated Jews, while also focusing inward and building strong relationships among our congregants. This requires a ‘value-proposition’ that compels membership and community. We are developing exciting, innovative programming, excellence in youth education, dynamic adult education and experiences, and caring and social action that exemplify our Jewish values and ethics.
In order to enable our growth and transformation, we recently formed the ‘Finance Advisory Council of Temple Sinai’- FACTS. This group is made up of three interconnected Sub-Groups depicted below:
Together, these groups are tasked with providing
1) Budget and Finance watches over our 2017-18 financials. Their recent financial review was quite informative:
- Our inherited deficit from 2016-17 previously thought to be $30,000+ is, in fact, $7,318.
- Many committees were budgeted insufficient funds and there was nothing allocated for our upcoming rabbinic search. With Board approval, this has been adjusted. The good news is we are financially able to support a full-time Rabbi. In fact, we cannot afford NOT to have a full-time Rabbi if we intend to attract and maintain Temple Sinai, our Reform Jewish home.
2) Philanthropy and Legacy is just beginning the Philanthropy Campaign, which will produce funds to augment our membership pledges and enable a sufficient operating budget while setting aside funds for our future.
- We have received some generous, and much appreciated, 1-3 year pledges to begin our campaign.
- We are preparing for legacy outreach – encouraging estate planning that includes Temple Sinai.
3) Grants is researching and preparing to submit grant proposals focused on Youth Education, Innovative and Inspiring Jewish Practice, and Adult Education.
- We are identifying funding sources and initial prospects look promising.
Finally, our Board Executive Committee presented a Rabbinic Search Committee slate to our entire Board, with enthusiastic endorsement. Many congregants volunteered and many more were considered. It is a blessing that our congregation offered such overwhelming support.
Rabbinic Search Committee
- Robert Dickens- Chair
- Jeff Gingold
- Suzy Klass
- Russ Kotlicki
- Paul Baker Prindle
- Rina Schumer
- Beth Slamowitz
As part of our search process there will be opportunities for congregants to meet the candidates. Your Rabbinic Search Committee, which is ultimately charged with selecting a qualified candidate, will welcome congregational input.
These are exciting, reinvigorating times for our Temple Sinai family. It is a blessing to be able to participate in them together.
Shabbat Shalom!
Lynda Goldman