Your Temple Sinai Jewish Practice Committee (JPC) needs some additional volunteer members to join our vibrant and fun committee as we continue our journey.

Even though we have many items on our list of activities, the commitment is not great, but needed. Our monthly meeting is the last Wednesday of each month, at 6 pm and lasts for 1 – 1 ½ hours. The work is shared among us all. We don’t require extensive knowledge, just a desire to help.

Our committee leader is Marilyn Roberts, and she can be reached with any questions and/or comments you may have. Her contact information is as follows: cell # 775-530-7071; email address:

We work in partnership with our rabbis in areas of Jewish practice and worship, as well as communicating directly with our Temple Board of Trustees pertaining to any specific major topics.

A taste of our activities is as follows:

  • Review & update all ritual practices & community minhag (traditions), including but not limited to Shabbat and other holiday services, kashrut policy, and yahrzeit letters.
  • Assist our rabbis with holiday services including but not limited to: High Holy Day services, and congregant participation.
  • Ensure that ritual items are properly maintained and in good repair. Ritual items for the sanctuary include but are not limited to: prayer books, Torah scrolls, and all accouterments.
  • Work with our rabbis in the development and training of lay leaders to assist with life cycle events.
  • Annual review and updating of our committee’s goals and priorities in order to present to the Board of Trustees by September of each year.
  • Identify and submit our committee budgetary requirements to the Board of Trustees by the end of April for the upcoming fiscal year.
  • Communicate and coordinate with other Temple Sinai committees (as needed), such as with the strategic planning committee or the newly formed Rabbinic Advisory Committee (RAC).
  • Restricted ritual fund expenditures will be reviewed by the JPC before the Temple Board of Trustees takes any action.
  • Provide the Temple President along with all of the Board of Trustees a monthly committee report in writing before each monthly board meeting.

Thank you very much for your consideration in joining our Jewish Practice Committee. We are all truly blessed to have such a wonderful congregation.

With much appreciation and gratitude,

Your Temple Sinai Jewish Practice Committee