Hi all – it’s me again, your Temple Sinai Board President, Michael.  Although I only write one article a month, sometimes things get repeated over and over again. But with so much going on all the time, sometimes repetition helps make sure things get done. 

So, even if you’ve already heard,  a friendly reminder that the World Zionist Congress is holding its elections to determine the leadership and influence policy of Israel’s National Zionist Institutions.  Voting ends March 11, 2020! There is a fee of $7.50, so if you are interested in voting and need help with the fee, please reach out to the Rabbis.  

On to new business! Have you looked at the Temple Sinai webpage in the last couple of days? Our outstanding and overworked administrator, Mike Stombaugh, works tirelessly keeping me and all of you up to date with all the upcoming events. If nothing else, the pictures tell the story! Hint hint: open the website and make sure you are up to date with all the goings-on. We have several upcoming events that require an RSVP – and I look forward to seeing you all at each of the events.

I also would like to take the time and thank all of our members that participated in our Annual Congregational forum last month. There were many good suggestions and ideas that I was able to take back to our board. Notably among them, communication. We will continue to work on making communication a key goal for our entire community. This helps you all keep up with what is happening and is also a matter of security. Speaking of security, we have built a wonderful team of community experts that are working hard to help us submit for grants to meet all of our goals for security upgrades.  Some of these grant proposals are more likely to be accepted if we, Temple Sinai members, produce some matching funds to help complete the projects. Please consider contributing to help our chances. At the same time, the Buildings, Grounds, and Security Committee has their hands full keeping up with ongoing needs. If you are interested in knowing what or how you might be able to volunteer your time – please email me at any time. And if building and maintenance activities are not your strength, there are plenty of needs for volunteers all around.

I enjoy being your president and want to continue doing the best job I can for our Temple Sinai community. It is hard to believe we are over halfway through the fiscal year and will need to start thinking about our 5 Member-at-Large positions which are up for election. Our Chair for the nominating committee this year will be Steve Weidman. If you are interested in one of the 5 open positions starting on July 1, 2020 – please reach out to Steve or any current board member to pass your information along.  

If you did not pause to look and RSVP yet for all the upcoming events – this is my (oh wait I mean) YOUR reminder to do so now. 


Michael Gorden