Our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who helped to make our recent High Holy Day celebrations such an amazing success. Most of these names have been mentioned before, but these contributions of time and talent from Sinai members definitely bear repeating.

Thanks to Marilyn Roberts and the Jewish Practice Committee for organizing the High Holy Day honors and thanks to all who participated in the Torah Service. Thanks to Deborah Achtenberg for her Elul Adult Study class and thanks to Laura Smith, Aaron Hill, and Ignacio Montoya for the Yom Kippur afternoon meditations. Thanks also to Carol Pevney for making High Holy Day phone calls.

Thanks to Dave Levine and the Levine Family for donating to expand our Yahrzeit memorial wall in memory of Dave’s wife, Peggy Levine, and thanks to the Slamowitz Family and Michael Gorden for getting the memorial wall and our sanctuary in shape for the holidays.

Thanks to the Caring Committee for providing High Holy Day gift bags to all of our members, with special thanks to Saundra Goodman and Judy and Gary Schumer for organizing the project and donating supplies.

Thanks to Quentin Foley for his help preparing the prerecorded video segments of our broadcast as his Bar Mitzvah project and thanks to Rabbi Benjamin Zober and Rabbi Sara Zober, for their hard work filming and doing preliminary editing of the prerecorded segments.

Thanks also to Temple Sinai administrator, Mike Stombaugh for technical support running our live-streaming streaming broadcasts.