It is hard to believe that we are officially 2-plus years into this pandemic. None of us really could ever imagine at first what the overall impact would be when this first came around and how it would impact us in the future. Today, I find myself struggling to remember what life was like prior. Do you still mourn for the past or just try to look forward to what life’s new and continued journey brings us now? I really hope it’s the latter, as just a few days from now, we as a congregation will be able to finally come together for Pesach and enjoy seeing each other in person – not on the television. Yes, this will not be everyone as there are some of you who still must be extra careful, and we appreciate that. I just hope modern medicine will continue to find ways to mitigate these challenges for you.

It is hard to believe that next month we will hold our annual membership meeting and that in July I officially start my last year as your Temple Sinai President. I am very hopeful and looking forward to spending much more time in person with all of you at Sinai, and in the community, doing what we used to do in the past – celebrating, doing mitzvahs, and worshiping together.

With that in mind, as we have started to come together in person we are slowly making our way to doing bigger and better Onegs, planning in-person projects, and calling on volunteers to continue to help us maintain what we have – both on the board and in the building. We still have vacancies on the board which I would love to fill for my last year and help the incoming president start off on the right foot. Please let me know if you are a member and are interested.

It is also hard to believe that it has been a year and a half since we received the Non-Profit Security Grant to make improvements to security at Temple Sinai. In the next couple of months, you will start seeing the replacement of the outer front doors at the main entrance and the large social hall. We are still looking forward to upgrading security cameras and windows.

Although it is “hard to believe,” KEEP ON BELIEVING because we are still here for you at Temple Sinai and looking forward to bringing everyone back together while keeping all of us safe.

L’Shalom v’Chag Pesach Sameach!