The Sinai Board of Trustees will host a Congregational Forum on Sunday, January 27th at 10:15 am in the Sanctuary. As with last year’s Forum, your Temple Sinai Board of Trustees wants to hear from you about how we can serve you better. As you know, Sinai has been in a process of strategic planning over the last few years. You have kindly responded to surveys, come to community cafés, and attended Living Room Conversations. A series of short Board retreats have taken your input and identified several strategic priorities. Since last month, the Board has been evaluating a draft plan outline for 2, 5, and 10-year goals. This draft was based on a new summary of Sinai’s demographics, and thoughts on how we are meeting the needs of each group. There are surprises in our demographics, that I will explain to you on January 27th. In order to write down the tasks and responsibilities to meet the goals of this plan outline, 1st Vice President Howie Holden will be convening a new Sinai Strategic Planning Committee. We hope to have a completed plan for the Congregation to approve at the June Congregational Meeting. As you enjoy a secular season of holidays and travel, I would ask each one of you to consider the following questions. I hope you will come to the Forum, and whether you can or not, Howie and I invite you to write to us with your thoughts.

  • Would you like to serve on the Strategic Planning Committee?
  • What committee at Sinai would you like to help out?
  • What events and programming at Sinai have you attended? Would you like to see these continue?
  • What new ideas for events and programming would you like to see happen at Sinai? Is there programming that you would like to lead?
  • Is Temple Sinai serving you and others in your demographic well? How can we improve?
  • How can Temple Sinai better attract the unaffiliated Jews in our community? We all know some.

Finally, I need to keep beating the drum that we still need members to apply their free time and skills to Sinai’s Buildings, Grounds, and Security Committee. They have so much to do, and you can help! Please call the Temple Office to see how you can help.
