Dear Friends, Christ Church Reno has only been in our building a short while, but it is already providing so much for both of our congregations. A few weeks ago, I was invited to join them for Father Juan’s installation. Among the guests was Bishop Eric Menees of the Anglican Diocese. As he spoke, a […]
Posts by Rabbi Benjamin Zober:
Hope for Ukraine
Dear Friends, Then there comes a day, when snow Begins to melt, and peasants go To sharpen ploughshares, and to plough, And to will their files, and sow. And as from forge or field they come, With horse and cart returning home, Meeting on the way, they chat Of many things, of this, and that. […]
Getting Back
Dear Friends, When I had my bicycle accident a few months ago, a few witnesses commented on how fast I was going before the crash. While I have never gotten up to the speeds they estimated, I was not taking it slow. So, it is somehow fitting that ever since, I have had to take […]
Stones and Pillows
Dear friends, As you may have heard, I was in a bike accident on Thursday (11/04/21). I am not entirely sure what happened, but I crashed and ended up at Renown Hospital. I was wearing a helmet, which saved my life and lessened my injuries. After one night under observation, I was given the OK […]
Shehecheyanu Moments
Dear Friends, There is a joke in the Reform community, that we overuse the Shehecheyanu. Whenever we do something for the first time, or have a big moment, we say the prayer. And while every occasion may not merit a blessing like that, there are truly times when thanking God is appropriate. Personally, I said […]
Jewish Time
We often mark what we call “Jewish Time.” Secular holidays and events happen and we are pretty well attuned to them. But Jewish events are harder to track, especially when we are the only ones on our calendar. And yet, Jewish Time, the holidays, milestones, and other happenings that are unique to us, continue on. […]
Your Creativity – Your Congregation
Dear Friends, There are so many things that are unique and different about the times we are living in. One such thing that we seldom mention is that this is a time of great creativity and openness to new ideas. The combination of technology and need means that our options for activities during quarantine have […]
Adding Thanks
Dear Friends: On certain holidays, we add special prayers of thanks into our liturgy. These “hoda’ah inserts” are part of Sukkot and Simchat Torah, Purim, and Chanukah, among other times. Somehow, considering how many thanks we have, perhaps we need a post-virtual-HHD hoda’ah insert. Maybe: “Thank you, everyone, who participated, contributed, logged in, offered words […]
Jacks of All Trades
Dear Friends, I have a fondness for what most people call useless knowledge. Random facts, esoterica, trivia, I love it all. But I often quip that it is only useless, until you find a way to use it. Part of what attracted me to the rabbinate was that I might be able to employ some […]
When I Turn
I don’t turn my back on the congregation very often, but when I do, it is in prayers like the Barechu or the Amidah. And when I am not facing you, I see the ark, crafted by a congregant, now of blessed memory. I see the woodwork, refinished and polished by volunteers last fall. And […]