ADL Cyberhate – Backspace
I am excited to announce that today ADL launched Backspace Hate, a new legislative and awareness campaign to protect victims and targets of online hate and harassment. Our goal is to raise awareness about the issue of cyberhate and harassment and to strengthen state and federal laws to better hold perpetrators accountable both criminally and […]
Our Book, Our Simcha
Dear Friends: There once was a rabbi who remarked, “I’m glad to see you at services on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, but I’d rather you celebrate Passover, Purim, and Simchat Torah.” Passover and Purim make sense: tales of triumph over evil, exciting stories, and delicious foods. But Simchat Torah? What even is it and […]
Reno Jewish Story Club Meeting
7 – 9:00 pm Monday, September 23, 2019 “What You Pawn, I Will Redeem” by Sherman Alexie I admit to having issues with literature that bleeds about the American underclass. I have issues with panhandlers. I have issues with people who don’t have enough self-control to avoid becoming druggies, alcoholics or zombies. But author Sherman […]
What is Not to Love at this Time of Year?
IT’S FALL! Although I am sure this has many different meanings to you all – I find it to be very important for many reasons. Not only does fall weather bring us some of the most beautiful colors on the surrounding trees and amazing sunsets in Northern Nevada, but it is also a guaranteed time […]
Sounds of S’lichot
I asked myself: who’s listening to these words of confession? Magnificent Ear of the universe, are You my personal confidant? Or am I just talking to myself? Then I got it: the question is a diversion — to distract me from hearing who I really am. Dear Friends: I first encountered S’lichot at Plum Street […]
Security for the High Holy Days
I wish my first President’s Message to you all – our Greater Reno Jewish Community of Temple Sinai (TS), was on better terms. This is what are we faced with here at Temple Sinai and the upcoming Rosh HaShanah/Yom Kippur Holidays. We have all seen the news of constant anti-Semitic rhetoric all over this past […]