Temple Sinai Financial Update
As we are now in our new fiscal year (July 2019 – June 2020), I want to provide a financial recap of last year and share our budget for this year. Our membership continues to grow and we ended the year with 165 member units. The Rabbis Zober just celebrated their first anniversary at Temple […]
Letter Home From Camp
Last week, Rabbi Sara and I went to camp. In so many ways, it was like summer camp that I attended as a child: campfires, songs, hikes, swimming (and some Judaism – I went to a Jewish overnight camp). Camp was always one of the most accepting places I went to. Away from home, away […]
Reno Jewish Story Club Meeting
Reno Jewish Story Club Meeting 7:00 – 9:00 pm Monday, June 24 Story Title: “The Old System” by Saul Bellow Some stories are action tales and others track thoughts in characters’ heads. In this month’s reading, we get both. An action tale going through a storyteller’s head. Of course the storyteller in the author’s head […]
Do I Need to Go to the Congregational Meeting?
For me, the question is rhetorical, since Sinai’s Bylaws give me one job, and that is to run the Annual Congregational Meeting. But for all of you, the answer is also YES. To be a Mensch, all you need to do is come. Here is why: We need you. You might think that since your […]
Adult Ed and Aveilut
Dear Friends, As we move into the summer months we are beginning a new phase of adult education. Our first offering, moving into the time of mourning before Tisha B’Av, is Death and Dying in the Jewish Tradition. Over the course of five Sundays, we will examine both the rituals and practices associated with death […]
Men’s Club Breakfast for June – CHANGE OF DATE!
Men’s Club Breakfast for June – CHANGE OF DATE! Mark your calendars for Sunday, June 2nd. Hear ye, hear ye! Our June meeting is Sunday, June 2nd! (Not June 9th). Our very own Darryl Dworkin will be speaking on “Jews and the Toy Industry” and his career at Mattel Toys. More on Darryl will be […]