The Temple Sinai Board and about 30 members and friends came together for a Congregational Forum on Sunday, January 28th. The purpose of the Forum was to share information about our Temple and encourage dialog among congregants and the Board. Robert Dickens, chair of the Rabbinic Search Committee, first described the state of our search. More than a dozen candidates have applied. The search committee deemed most not to be a good fit, but they have and will continue to review resumes, conduct Skype interviews, and invite candidates who may be a fit to visit Temple Sinai.
Then Financial Officer Jay Goldberg reviewed the financial state of the synagogue, showing revenues (pledges and other contributions) and expense totals from the current year as well as three prior years. Although expenses have remained remarkably consistent year-to-year, we have had, and continue to have, a shortfall in pledges which results in Temple Sinai losing money every year. We expect to have a deficit again this year, but Strategic Philanthropy donations will help to close the gap.
Currently, we allow a member to pay whatever amount they wish. However, in order to ensure that Temple Sinai is able to serve the Northern Nevada Jewish population for many years to come, we will need to develop a required pledge structure. Anyone who cannot afford the required pledge amount will be able to meet confidentially with a member or two of the Finance Committee to determine a pledge amount that the member can afford. We will not turn anyone away because of an inability to meet the required pledge amount. The Finance Committee, with help from the Financial Advisory Council, will be examining proposals to revise the pledge structure and will bring a proposal to the Board in the spring.