Friends, As I sit here writing, snow is falling on the back quarter out my office window. Reno has turned to gray and white, and I can feel, despite the clouds, that sunset is coming soon. Winter is here, without a doubt, and Chanukah arrives precisely when our need for light is greatest, both literally […]
Men’s Club Update
A) Contrary to popular belief, the Temple Sinai Men’s Club is alive and well. Notions of our demise are at best premature. Our first breakfast of the season will be held Sunday, January 13, 2019, in the Temple Sinai Small Social Hall. A special breakfast will begin at 9:00 am so early arrival is recommended. RSVP […]
Reno Jewish Story Club Meeting
“The Love Song of A. Jerome Minkoff” and “The Philosopher and the Checkout Girl” by Joseph Epstein 7:00 – 9:00 pm Monday, November 26, 2018 Our contemporary, Joseph Epstein, creates droll stories that remind me of biblical Joseph’s “many-colored coat.” Epstein can look at one circumstance and paint it this color or that. He’ll take […]
Struggles with Myself, Leading to Gratitude
Part of the upcoming week’s Torah portion, Vayishlach (Genesis 32:4−36:43), describes Jacob’s midnight struggles with “a man” and his reconciliation with his brother Esau the next day. As president of your Sinai Board of Trustees, I have to admit to lying awake some nights, struggling with my own thoughts. What have I allowed to fall […]
Board Meeting Agenda for Wednesday, November 11, 2018
Wednesday, November 14, 2018, 7:00 pm in the Temple Sinai Library. All Temple members are welcome to attend. Click the post title to view the Agenda as a PDF.
What’s Your Origin Story?
Dear Friends, When I was a child, I used to save the world. Daily. As a superhero named Benman, I donned my cape to do battle with the villains down by the mailbox and around my street. When I came home, my Mom would be there to hear of my exploits and give me a […]
Messages of Solidarity from UNR
A Message from President Johnson – To the University of Nevada, Reno community: As we mourn the loss of lives at The Living Tree Synagogue in Pittsburgh, we express our sorrow and outrage at senseless violence directed toward people of one religion. But what can we do about it? First, be watchful and aware of […]
Rabbi Benjamin Zober Delivered for ACTIONN 10/18/18 Jewish tradition tells a story about the beginning of time, when God started to create the world. God, being the ultimate Being, left no room for heaven and earth. God’s Divine Light was put into vessels to make room for Creation, but no vessel could contain God’s light […]
October 2018 Reno Jewish Story Club Meeting
7-9:00 pm Monday, October 22, 2018 “Defender of the Faith” by Philip Roth Author Philip Roth passed away in May of this year at the age of 85. He was a New Jersey Jewish boy who won more literary awards than any of his contemporaries and was often selected as one of the best writers […]
Temple Sinai’s Reform Ideals
We would like to recognize the Temple Sinai Social Action Committee (TSSAC) as an organizing force inside our synagogue and a strong representative of Temple Sinai in our community. The TSSAC and our members, over the past year, fed and clothed homeless youth, adopted and cleaned a neighborhood park, and literally saved lives last winter […]