Dear Friends, Then there comes a day, when snow Begins to melt, and peasants go To sharpen ploughshares, and to plough, And to will their files, and sow. And as from forge or field they come, With horse and cart returning home, Meeting on the way, they chat Of many things, of this, and that. […]
Which Hat Do You Know Me By?
When you see me at meetings, you refer to me as the Temple President. When you watch Shabbat Service (and you don’t see me, but you know that I am there) I am that Audio Visual Tech guy. When you catch me changing burned-out lights, fixing a toilet, or maybe putting up the Sukkah, there […]
Getting Back
Dear Friends, When I had my bicycle accident a few months ago, a few witnesses commented on how fast I was going before the crash. While I have never gotten up to the speeds they estimated, I was not taking it slow. So, it is somehow fitting that ever since, I have had to take […]
Opening Up
Happy Secular New Year and Merry Christmas to all our families that celebrate. I am just mesmerized by our community support not only for our Temple Sinai families but also to our greater Jewish Community in Northern Nevada as I saw so many of you at all the Hanukkah events this past week. Not only […]
Stones and Pillows
Dear friends, As you may have heard, I was in a bike accident on Thursday (11/04/21). I am not entirely sure what happened, but I crashed and ended up at Renown Hospital. I was wearing a helmet, which saved my life and lessened my injuries. After one night under observation, I was given the OK […]
Temple Sinai Will Always Shine Bright!
One of the things you quickly learn when you become president of a synagogue is just how much the majority of the congregation doesn’t see. You see finances and investments, you see the long-neglected back lot full of weeds, you see how much a congregation does for people and how much can be done for […]
To Be Oysgezoomt or To Be Otherwise, That is the Question
Dear Friends, One of our congregants, Judy Schumer, introduced me to a new Yiddish word last summer: oysgezoomt. For a fascinating article on the word’s etymology, check out the article “The Yiddish Word of 2020.” Simply put, it is the feeling of being utterly fatigued by online offerings. Friends, looking into a second virtual High […]
Shehecheyanu Moments
Dear Friends, There is a joke in the Reform community, that we overuse the Shehecheyanu. Whenever we do something for the first time, or have a big moment, we say the prayer. And while every occasion may not merit a blessing like that, there are truly times when thanking God is appropriate. Personally, I said […]
Beating the Daily Challenges
Is it really safe to do what we want – when we want, with or without masks? I really want to say to you, “Yes, be free,” and for us to do that as a Jewish Community here at Temple Sinai. But as you know the reality of the pandemic slowing its course is just […]
Endings and Beginnings
Dear Friends, As you know, our son Toby had his bar mitzvah earlier this month. While events with family are always a blessing, I can honestly be relieved at this moment that people have gotten safely home and Toby himself can relax because all that hard work is behind him. This feeling of relief got […]