Coronavirus Update
Dear Friends, The news about COVID-19, or the coronavirus, seems to change every time we look for updates. At this time, almost all the states surrounding us have confirmed cases of the coronavirus, and testing has begun here in Northern Nevada. Our staff and Building, Grounds, and Safety committee have been compiling resources and getting […]
Doris Is Coming
Reno Jewish Story Club Meeting 7:00 – 9:00 pm Monday, February 24, 2020 “Doris Is Coming” by ZZ Packer It’s the early ’60s, a time of social upheaval. Martin King is making speeches that threaten segregation’s status quo. Kennedy becomes President and is assassinated. Governor Orval Faubus, who had ordered the Arkansas National Guard to […]
Jumping on to the Sinai Train!
Hi all – it’s me again, your Temple Sinai Board President, Michael. Although I only write one article a month, sometimes things get repeated over and over again. But with so much going on all the time, sometimes repetition helps make sure things get done. So, even if you’ve already heard, a friendly reminder that […]
‘Tis the Season – for Voting!
Dear Friends: If you haven’t heard, there’s an election. While the internet, radio, and television are filled with campaign ads, the other election has not gotten quite as much press. The World Zionist Congress is holding its election to determine the leadership and influence the policies of Israel’s National Zionist Institutions, which affect so much […]
Working to Keep You Safe
I ask myself every day, “When is this wave of antisemitism going to end?” I know that it is a question being asked throughout our Temple Sinai family. We have seen so many horrible actions taken against all Jewish people near and far. So what do we as a community and how can you help? […]
2020 Men’s Club Breakfast Meetings
Dear Men’s Club friends, Your club president has surfaced. It has been a long six months since we met – I have been in the throws of closing many escrows for the many transplants moving to Reno. But you have not been forgotten! We have a great 2020 season planned! Sunday, January 19 – Mark […]