High Holy Day 5781 Thank Yous
Our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who helped to make our recent High Holy Day celebrations such an amazing success. Most of these names have been mentioned before, but these contributions of time and talent from Sinai members definitely bear repeating. Thanks to Marilyn Roberts and the Jewish Practice Committee for organizing the High Holy Day […]
Thank you from the Caring Committee
During our Zoom Caring Committee meeting in July, we decided to do a small gift of an apple and honey stick for each of our member/family units as a sweet outreach to our beloved congregation. Judy and Gary Schumer researched and purchased gift bags, “Shanah Tovah from Temple Sinai” stickers, and honey sticks. We then […]
Adding Thanks
Dear Friends: On certain holidays, we add special prayers of thanks into our liturgy. These “hoda’ah inserts” are part of Sukkot and Simchat Torah, Purim, and Chanukah, among other times. Somehow, considering how many thanks we have, perhaps we need a post-virtual-HHD hoda’ah insert. Maybe: “Thank you, everyone, who participated, contributed, logged in, offered words […]
Jacks of All Trades
Dear Friends, I have a fondness for what most people call useless knowledge. Random facts, esoterica, trivia, I love it all. But I often quip that it is only useless, until you find a way to use it. Part of what attracted me to the rabbinate was that I might be able to employ some […]
Soul Searching
At the start of the pandemic, I was optimistic that this would be here and gone in just a few weeks. It was exciting to be at home more with the family at first and was nice to get a lot done around the house. As some of you know, besides my position here at […]
There are definitely many overwhelming thoughts and ideas — covering a broad perspective, and from all our members — on whether to open Temple Sinai for regular services and events, continue to stay closed, or ease into a phased approach toward opening as our great State of Nevada is doing. Even if we were to […]