Summertime and the Livin’s – Still Confined to Our Homes
Dear Friends, As our fiscal year draws to a close, we wanted to highlight all of the incredible things that we did this year – in person and across the digital divide. Our members were incredibly busy with events in the congregation and out in the community. Our Sisterhood came together on several occasions to […]
Tough Decisions
First, I wanted to thank everyone who was able to participate this past Sunday in the Temple Sinai Annual Meeting, via Zoom. Although I was not able to see your smiling faces, I saw your names and was able to see you in spirit. Again – a big thank you to Rabbi Sara for hosting […]
There is No “I” in Synagogue
Dear Friends, Rabbi Sara and I miss you all terribly. We are continuing to find a way to bring Shabbat and other Jewish events into your homes in the best way possible. Many of you have become regular visitors to the virtual shul streaming from our living room. Others join our Zoom Torah Study on […]
I’m Excited!
I am excited and I hope you are! We have the best rabbinical team of Rabbi Sara and Rabbi Benjamin, and a wonderfully talented administrator, Mike Stombaugh. They have worked hard to quickly adapt Sinai to the technological wonders of Facebook Live and Zoom, which has enabled us to continue with our Jewish values and […]
Connect With Your Temple Sinai Family
Dear Friends, A huge thank-you to all who participated in our very first live-streamed Shabbat service! It was great to see how many of you called in and sang and wished us a Shabbat shalom. This week, our services will again be at 7:30 pm, and since we can’t do Shabbat Unplugged together, we will […]
Men’s Club Breakfast
Sunday, March 15 Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: The Temple Sinai Men’s Club will be meeting on March 15th at 8:50 AM in our small social hall. Volunteers are preparing breakfast, but if you would like to also participate in the preparation, please contact me. Caren C. Jenkins, Esq. our guest speaker has been a member […]