Can you believe it is May already? Time is flying by! A year ago, I felt like time was standing still and there was nothing we could do about it. So I am happy that we are moving forward and cannot wait to see all your faces soon. The COVID risk meter is inching down […]
Shavuot Pajama Jammy Jam
Dear Friends, Chanukah has latkes and dreidels, Pesach has charoset and raucous seders, Shavuot has cheesecake and… all night study sessions? Maybe not everyone’s idea of a good time, but for many communities, coming together and studying until daybreak is a much-anticipated event. Last year, we could not gather as a congregation, and certainly not […]
Greater Jewish Community Youth JServe 2021 on April 11, 2021
Yom HaShoah Commemoration on April 8, 2021
I am a true believer in the miracles that collaboration can bring to one’s life. I would not have accomplished what I have done thus far with the many different projects at Temple Sinai without the teams of volunteer board and committee members. Yes, even if you have not had the time or ability to […]
Why My, Is This Night Different!
Passover is one of our most creative holidays. The haggadah itself is an invention of our rabbis, tying together Torah stories, rabbinic texts, songs, blessings, and culinary delights. Each culture within Judaism has traditions that embellish the text – from Ethiopian Jews smashing dishes, to Afghani Jews swatting each other with scallions to stay awake, […]
Breathing a Little Easier
I can breathe a little easier these days knowing we are finally moving in the direction of beating this pandemic along with the recent news from Governor Sisolak easing up on restrictions. If you have not already been vaccinated, please, please make sure that when you have the opportunity to receive your vaccine that you […]
COVID Vaccine Resources
Dear Friends, We are so thrilled to be seeing so many of our elders getting vaccinated for COVID-19. Each one gets us closer to getting back in our building safely and we miss seeing all of you regularly. If you are 70+ and need help getting signed up for all the different COVID vaccine sites, […]
Jewish Time
We often mark what we call “Jewish Time.” Secular holidays and events happen and we are pretty well attuned to them. But Jewish events are harder to track, especially when we are the only ones on our calendar. And yet, Jewish Time, the holidays, milestones, and other happenings that are unique to us, continue on. […]
New Year’s (secular, of course)
What does Calendar year 2021 look like for us? I am extremely hopeful that we will be able to start gathering in-person again, in coordination with the distribution of vaccines. In the meantime, I want to recognize all of our ongoing committees, which continue to work hard to meet all of Temple Sinai’s needs. Our […]